Whimsey & Imagination

Welcome to Whimsey & Imagination! I’m a Becky, a creative & imaginative Kiddult (Kid + Adult = Kiddult). Whimsey & Imagination champions creative therapy with uplifting and wholesome content, and recreational recommendations for coping with life’s struggles. I’ll demonstrate healthy escapes that have worked for me, directing you toward a river of possibilities teaming with nostalgia and childhood wonder, and the enchantment of a kidlike, active imagination. Enter into my three magical lands: READ. PLAY. DECORATE.

READ. I write and read wholesome children’s literature (picture books, chapter books, middle grade fiction). Magical realism is my specialty. I also enjoy fairy tales, mystery, adventure, spooky fun, some fantasy, and some coming-of-age stories. Reading wildly imaginative, well-written, kid- and family-friendly stories, free of divisive doo-doo and naughty no-no’s, provides for me an immersive escape into fun, new worlds that drastically reduces my mental health challenges. I call this book therapy. Check out my Goodreads page for a slew of my favorites.

PLAY. I’m a children’s sensory artist & crafter. Creating playful crafts for kids and kiddults has been enormously therapeutic for me and life-giving. I call this craft therapy. My crafts are intended to delight the imagination and provide a sensory escape for my brain to relax, be mindful, be present, and creative. My crafts are designed with neurodivergent kids in mind, (those who are autistic, dyslexic, have ADHD, other disabilities, or mental health challenges). My online gallery and crafts store features items I have created and sold or hope to sell.

DECORATE. I’m a holiday season fanatic, namely autumn and Christmas as they are the most enchanting and coziest times of the year. I’m also a contemporary and vintage toy enthusiast because of the wondrous nostalgia they provide. Old toys have stories to tell and a mission to fulfill, no matter their age. They still want to be played with, displayed in unique and creative ways. I decorate whimsically. I create my own space that allows my imagination to dream, drift, and devise healthy ways of living and thinking. I call this decorating therapy.

Creative Therapy DIY

DIY Creative Therapy

On my DIY Creative Therapy blog I share my story, disabilities, mental health challenges, favorite books, and crafting processes in the hopes that the creative escapes I’ve found delightful, and uplifting, may also inspire others to find their own creative escapes, perhaps building off of what has helped me. The majority of the content I write about is focused on kids’ interests, entertainment, crafts, and a wholesome imagination. As a kiddult myself, finding hobbies and entertainment that is pure, enchanting, and childlike will benefit those adults who long for the innocence and nostalgia of childhood and find ways to revive their souls and improve well-being.